Linda McGary Nominated for Woman of Achievement Award

Congratulations to Rockford Ball Screw's President and Owner, Linda McGary on her recent nomination for the Woman of Achievement Award through the YWCA Northwestern Illinois.
The award honors outstanding individuals in the categories of Business, Community Leadership, Mentorship, Professions, Promise and Racial Justice that serve their community and mirror the mission of the YWCA of Northwestern Illinois.
Since 2006, Linda has served as RBS' President, carrying on her father's legacy and continuing the family business he started in 1973. She has maintained a commitment to providing American made products whenever possible, including USA made ball screws and assemblies. Likewise, she has not only kept the family business in the Rockford area, but Rockford Ball Screw celebrated an expansion in 2019.
We know how hard Linda works to not only take care of her entire team at RBS, but also her customers and community at large. We couldn’t be more excited for her and wish her the best of luck!
One winner for each of the award’s categories will be announced at the Leader Luncheon to be held on March 2 at Giovanni’s in Rockford, IL